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IHRSA's advocacy team is fighting to pass the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act, federal legislation that incentivizes physical activity and lowers consumer costs. As a health and fitness industry professional or consumer, it's important that you get involved and spread the word!

IHRSA 2024 Horizontal Logo

Meet us in LA!

As the largest gathering of health and fitness industry professionals, IHRSA 2024 is the cornerstone of growth, knowledge, and success. Build your network and learn how to catapult your business to the top from the best of the best.

IHRSA 2024

  • Fight for the Future of the Industry

    Fight for the Future of the Industry

    Get involved, leave your mark, and help us create a healthier world.

  • Advocating for a Strong, Successful Industry

    Advocating for a Strong, Successful Industry

    The need for a stronger, more politically powerful industry has never been greater!

  • Stay Connected

    Stay Connected

    Subscribe to receive the latest IHRSA and industry news directly to your inbox.

  • Industry-leading Research & Reports

    Industry-leading Research & Reports

    Health clubs are part of the solution to increase physical activity levels and promote overall health and well-being.

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The Visionary

Leader, innovator, and mentor, Mark Mastrov is a central figure in the creation of the modern health club industry—and he isn't done yet.

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  • Runyon Chuck Testimonial

    Whether it’s analyzing consumer trends, compiling best practices, promoting active lifestyles, or defending the interests of gym owners, no trade association does a better job than IHRSA. And not only do fitness professionals benefit from IHRSA, anyone who cares about health and fitness does so as well.

    Chuck Runyon, CEO and Co-founder

  • Green Kristen Testimonial

    One of the first decisions I made before opening Aquafit was to sign up for an IHRSA membership. I wanted to ensure that we set high standards from the very beginning. I was aware of the important role that IHRSA played, and wanted to become recognized, internationally, as an accredited health and fitness center.

    Kristen Green, General Manager

  • Nalevanko Carol Testimonial

    The fitness industry is always evolving, and it’s often hard to determine if something new is just a fad or something worth investing in... One effective way to do so is by turning to IHRSA, a great resource for learning about industry best practices and for developing a network of contacts.

    Carol Nalevanko, President

  • Brick Victor Testimonial

    We owe a great deal of our success to IHRSA. One of the secrets of success is to constantly hang out with people who know more than you do. If you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room. With IHRSA, you’re never the smartest guy in the room.

    Victor Brick, Chairman

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